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Release Date: 04/07/2023
EN: Formed in 1987 in UmeÃ¥, Sweden, Meshuggah have gone on to be called "one of the ten most important hard and heavy bands" by Rolling Stone and have earned the respect and admiration from fans and musicians alike. The long journey from Sweden to Ozzfest began with their first release, usually referred to as Psykisk Testbild (roughly translated as "Psychological Test Picture") even though it really has no title. Like their music, much of Meshuggah's early history remains an enigma, but vocalist/guitarist Jens Kidman, guitarist Fredrik Thordendal and bassist Peter Nordin hammered out this vinylâ€only release sometime around 1989. Drummer Tomas Haake joined shortly after, and the band began writing for their first fullâ€length release, Contradictions Collapse. A period of flux followed. Kidman put down the guitar to focus solely on his vocals, and Haake's school chum MÃ¥rten Hagström joined. The band followed up Contradictions Collapse with two EPs (None and the now outâ€ofâ€print Selfcaged), and the brilliant and critically acclaimed Destroy, Erase, Improve as well as the EP True Human Design. Shortly thereafter. The next full length milestone by the band was the monumental 1998 release Chaosphere, which opened the door to extensive touring alongside big names and numerous prestigious festival appearances around the globe. Although already planning to disappear into seclusion to work an the next studio record, the band landed a spot on possibly the most coveted tour every year †OZZFEST †while juggling dates with System of a Down, P.O.D., Down and Mushroomhead on the off days. The band spent the months leading up the festival spending every waking moment working on nothing... literally. The most intense six weeks of the band's professional and personal lives then spent recording in Dugâ€Out Studios with Daniel Bergstrand (Stuck Mojo, In Flames), Area 51 and Fear and Loathing Studios resulted in the masterpiece henceforth knows as Nothing. After the mathematical precision presented on Chaosphere, the band offered up a more straightforward approach and created the heaviest album of their career. Fastâ€forward to Present time, the year of 2022 now sees the reâ€release of this masterpiece in stunning new vinyl colors, (limited worldwide to 500 of each color) to complete every collector's dream. DE: 1987 in UmeÃ¥, Schweden, gegründet, wurden Meshuggah vom Rolling Stone als "eine der zehn wichtigsten Hard†und Heavyâ€Bands" bezeichnet und haben sich den Respekt und die Bewunderung von Fans und Musikern gleichermaßen verdient. Die lange Reise von Schweden bis zum Ozzfest begann mit ihrer ersten Veröffentlichung, die gewöhnlich als Psykisk Testbild (grob übersetzt als "Psychologisches Testbild") bezeichnet wird, obwohl sie eigentlich keinen Titel hat. Wie ihre Musik bleibt auch die frühe Geschichte von Meshuggah ein Rätsel, aber Sänger/Gitarrist Jens Kidman, Gitarrist Fredrik Thordendal und Bassist Peter Nordin brachten diese Vinylâ€Veröffentlichung irgendwann um 1989 herum heraus. Schlagzeuger Tomas Haake stieß kurz darauf dazu, und die Band begann mit dem Schreiben für ihr erstes Album, Contradictions Collapse. Es folgte eine Zeit des Wandels. Kidman legte die Gitarre beiseite, um sich ganz auf seinen Gesang zu konzentrieren, und Haakes Schulfreund MÃ¥rten Hagström kam hinzu. Auf Contradictions Collapse folgten zwei EPs (None und das inzwischen vergriffene Selfcaged), das brillante und von der Kritik hochgelobte Destroy, Erase, Improve sowie die EP True Human Design. #kurz darauf. Der nächste Meilenstein der Band war das monumentale Album Chaosphere aus dem Jahr 1998, das die Tür zu ausgedehnten Tourneen mit großen Namen und zahlreichen prestigeträchtigen Festivalauftritten rund um den Globus öffnete. Obwohl die Band bereits plante, sich in die Abgeschiedenheit zurückzuziehen, um an der nächsten Studioplatte zu arbeiten, ergatt
Shipping Policy
To help you understand our shipping process, here's a detailed look at our shipping policy based on the type of product you order:
In Stock Items:
Shipping Time: Items that are in stock generally ship between 2 to 8 business days after your order is placed.
Why 2 to 8 Days: When an in stock item runs out at our warehouse, it will take us about a week to get more from the label.
Process: Once you place an order, we promptly prepare your selected vinyl for shipping, ensuring it's securely packaged for transit.
Pre-Order Items:
Shipping Time: For items available for pre-order, we aim to ship them out about a week after the release date indicated on the product page.
Release Date Changes: If a release date changes, we will promptly inform you via email, updating you with the new expected release date.
Your Options: In case of a significant delay, we will provide options for you to either continue with the order based on the new release date or to cancel the pre-order if you prefer.
Backorder Items:
Estimated Shipping Time: Backordered items generally ship between 3 to 6 months after your order is placed.
Volatile Nature: Due to dependencies on the label supplies, backordered items can sometimes take longer than 6 months. However, there are also instances where they ship within a few weeks.
Communication: We will keep you updated on the status of your backordered items. We dispatch a weekly email featuring all the items that have been restocked over the week, ensuring you stay current with our latest arrivals. This way, you won't miss out on any updates regarding the items we've replenished.
Note: We collect payment info at checkout, but we will not charge you until we ship your item. For more information on this please visit our payment policy.
You can cancel your order at anytime before we ship it, and the payment will be voided.
When will I receive a tracking number?
We provide tracking for every order. Tracking will be available once your product is shipped. All of our products are shipped out of our warehouse in Westlake Village, CA. You can track your order through your account on our website, via any of the shipping confirmation emails we've sent you, or through the Shop App.
Can I cancel my order?
You have the flexibility to cancel your order at any time without incurring any penalties. We understand that the unpredictable nature of backordered items can be a concern, and we don't want you to feel uneasy about extended wait times. Therefore, you're free to cancel your order at any stage in the future if you find the wait too long. However, please note that if your item has already been dispatched, we won't be able to process a cancellation. In such cases, kindly reach out to us through our 'Contact Us' page or by emailing us at
Tracklist Preview
- Stengah
- Rational Gaze
- Perpetual Black Second
- Closed Eye Visuals
- Glints Collide
- Organic Shadows
- Straws Pulled at Random
- Spasm
- Nebulous
- Obsidian
Become A Member
Welcome to Vinyl Vista Record Club, the ultimate destination for vinyl enthusiasts and music lovers! Our club is designed to fuel your passion for music and expand your vinyl collection with an exciting array of options. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting your vinyl journey, we've got you covered with our diverse plans tailored to your musical taste and preferences.
Join The ClubSelect Plans Offer:
Monthly Vinyl Delivery: Receive a premium, brand-new vinyl record selected by our experts, delivered directly to your doorstep each month.
Exclusive Store Deals: Unlock exclusive, members-only benefits such as substantial discounts, complimentary shipping, unique content, and more.
Flexibility: No long-term commitments. Change plans, pause, or cancel anytime.
Release Date: 04/07/2023
EN: Formed in 1987 in UmeÃ¥, Sweden, Meshuggah have gone on to be called "one of the ten most important hard and heavy bands" by Rolling Stone and have earned the respect and admiration from fans and musicians alike. The long journey from Sweden to Ozzfest began with their first release, usually referred to as Psykisk Testbild (roughly translated as "Psychological Test Picture") even though it really has no title. Like their music, much of Meshuggah's early history remains an enigma, but vocalist/guitarist Jens Kidman, guitarist Fredrik Thordendal and bassist Peter Nordin hammered out this vinylâ€only release sometime around 1989. Drummer Tomas Haake joined shortly after, and the band began writing for their first fullâ€length release, Contradictions Collapse. A period of flux followed. Kidman put down the guitar to focus solely on his vocals, and Haake's school chum MÃ¥rten Hagström joined. The band followed up Contradictions Collapse with two EPs (None and the now outâ€ofâ€print Selfcaged), and the brilliant and critically acclaimed Destroy, Erase, Improve as well as the EP True Human Design. Shortly thereafter. The next full length milestone by the band was the monumental 1998 release Chaosphere, which opened the door to extensive touring alongside big names and numerous prestigious festival appearances around the globe. Although already planning to disappear into seclusion to work an the next studio record, the band landed a spot on possibly the most coveted tour every year †OZZFEST †while juggling dates with System of a Down, P.O.D., Down and Mushroomhead on the off days. The band spent the months leading up the festival spending every waking moment working on nothing... literally. The most intense six weeks of the band's professional and personal lives then spent recording in Dugâ€Out Studios with Daniel Bergstrand (Stuck Mojo, In Flames), Area 51 and Fear and Loathing Studios resulted in the masterpiece henceforth knows as Nothing. After the mathematical precision presented on Chaosphere, the band offered up a more straightforward approach and created the heaviest album of their career. Fastâ€forward to Present time, the year of 2022 now sees the reâ€release of this masterpiece in stunning new vinyl colors, (limited worldwide to 500 of each color) to complete every collector's dream. DE: 1987 in UmeÃ¥, Schweden, gegründet, wurden Meshuggah vom Rolling Stone als "eine der zehn wichtigsten Hard†und Heavyâ€Bands" bezeichnet und haben sich den Respekt und die Bewunderung von Fans und Musikern gleichermaßen verdient. Die lange Reise von Schweden bis zum Ozzfest begann mit ihrer ersten Veröffentlichung, die gewöhnlich als Psykisk Testbild (grob übersetzt als "Psychologisches Testbild") bezeichnet wird, obwohl sie eigentlich keinen Titel hat. Wie ihre Musik bleibt auch die frühe Geschichte von Meshuggah ein Rätsel, aber Sänger/Gitarrist Jens Kidman, Gitarrist Fredrik Thordendal und Bassist Peter Nordin brachten diese Vinylâ€Veröffentlichung irgendwann um 1989 herum heraus. Schlagzeuger Tomas Haake stieß kurz darauf dazu, und die Band begann mit dem Schreiben für ihr erstes Album, Contradictions Collapse. Es folgte eine Zeit des Wandels. Kidman legte die Gitarre beiseite, um sich ganz auf seinen Gesang zu konzentrieren, und Haakes Schulfreund MÃ¥rten Hagström kam hinzu. Auf Contradictions Collapse folgten zwei EPs (None und das inzwischen vergriffene Selfcaged), das brillante und von der Kritik hochgelobte Destroy, Erase, Improve sowie die EP True Human Design. #kurz darauf. Der nächste Meilenstein der Band war das monumentale Album Chaosphere aus dem Jahr 1998, das die Tür zu ausgedehnten Tourneen mit großen Namen und zahlreichen prestigeträchtigen Festivalauftritten rund um den Globus öffnete. Obwohl die Band bereits plante, sich in die Abgeschiedenheit zurückzuziehen, um an der nächsten Studioplatte zu arbeiten, ergatt
Tracklist Preview
- Stengah
- Rational Gaze
- Perpetual Black Second
- Closed Eye Visuals
- Glints Collide
- Organic Shadows
- Straws Pulled at Random
- Spasm
- Nebulous
- Obsidian
Become A Member
Welcome to Vinyl Vista Record Club, the ultimate destination for vinyl enthusiasts and music lovers! Our club is designed to fuel your passion for music and expand your vinyl collection with an exciting array of options. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting your vinyl journey, we've got you covered with our diverse plans tailored to your musical taste and preferences.
Join The ClubSelect Plans Offer:
Monthly Vinyl Delivery: Receive a premium, brand-new vinyl record selected by our experts, delivered directly to your doorstep each month.
Exclusive Store Deals: Unlock exclusive, members-only benefits such as substantial discounts, complimentary shipping, unique content, and more.
Flexibility: No long-term commitments. Change plans, pause, or cancel anytime.
Shipping Policy
To help you understand our shipping process, here's a detailed look at our shipping policy based on the type of product you order:
In Stock Items:
Shipping Time: Items that are in stock generally ship between 2 to 8 business days after your order is placed.
Why 2 to 8 Days: When an in stock item runs out at our warehouse, it will take us about a week to get more from the label.
Process: Once you place an order, we promptly prepare your selected vinyl for shipping, ensuring it's securely packaged for transit.
Pre-Order Items:
Shipping Time: For items available for pre-order, we aim to ship them out about a week after the release date indicated on the product page.
Release Date Changes: If a release date changes, we will promptly inform you via email, updating you with the new expected release date.
Your Options: In case of a significant delay, we will provide options for you to either continue with the order based on the new release date or to cancel the pre-order if you prefer.
Backorder Items:
Estimated Shipping Time: Backordered items generally ship between 3 to 6 months after your order is placed.
Volatile Nature: Due to dependencies on the label supplies, backordered items can sometimes take longer than 6 months. However, there are also instances where they ship within a few weeks.
Communication: We will keep you updated on the status of your backordered items. We dispatch a weekly email featuring all the items that have been restocked over the week, ensuring you stay current with our latest arrivals. This way, you won't miss out on any updates regarding the items we've replenished.
Note: We collect payment info at checkout, but we will not charge you until we ship your item. For more information on this please visit our payment policy.
You can cancel your order at anytime before we ship it, and the payment will be voided.
When will I receive a tracking number?
We provide tracking for every order. Tracking will be available once your product is shipped. All of our products are shipped out of our warehouse in Westlake Village, CA. You can track your order through your account on our website, via any of the shipping confirmation emails we've sent you, or through the Shop App.
Can I cancel my order?
You have the flexibility to cancel your order at any time without incurring any penalties. We understand that the unpredictable nature of backordered items can be a concern, and we don't want you to feel uneasy about extended wait times. Therefore, you're free to cancel your order at any stage in the future if you find the wait too long. However, please note that if your item has already been dispatched, we won't be able to process a cancellation. In such cases, kindly reach out to us through our 'Contact Us' page or by emailing us at